Ali Crooks

At the age of 37, Ali has been trading for the last 14 years.

Over the last nine years Ali took the time to really invest in himself and develop his skills to become a successful trader.

Ali runs his own online training company called Traders Support Club, the UK’s leading online support resource for traders, which includes its very own online trading room where Ali and his team coach traders and trade live every week.

He has been asked to speak, coach and trade live all over the world and has been a keynote trading speaker both here, in the U.S and Canada, whilst sharing the stage with the likes of Robert Kiyosaki and ex Dragon James Caan.

Back in 2010 Ali was asked by the Rich Dad Organisation to be part of the Rich Dad Board Of Global Advisors.

Ali has a passion for helping experienced investors and traders get more return from their investments as well as take complete beginners and get them to double digit monthly returns.

At the live training events Ali will: –

  •     Show you some simple tools that allow anyone to start analysing the markets more effectively
  •    Dispel some of the myths and complexities surrounding the financial markets and trading
  •   Show you some of the ways he and his students make money part time and full time
  •   Help show you a path on how you could generate a significant monthly return alongside your current job or business.


If you’d like to check out more about Traders Support Club in your own time then why not visit :

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