Rick Walton

IMG_6312Welcome to PEN Kent.

Rick, who started his career as a mechanical engineer decided in 2006 that his pension wasn’t panning out as he expected and the hours that he was working weren’t productive to family life.  Becoming ever frustrated in the day job, Rick decided to get re-educated in the field of property investing. From a standing start, Rick and his wife created a portfolio in the South-East in just under 18 months which allowed them to effectively retire should they wish to.

One of the turning points for Rick was when he discoverd the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert T Kiyosaki. For those that have read it will know that once you’ve read this book it opens your mind to new ways of thinking and believing that new ventures and opportunities are possible. Little did he expect to meet the man in person a year later and then go on to be a consultant and speaker for the Rich Dad Education company, helping other new aspiring property investors begin their journey towards financial freedom. Rick will be discussing some of Robert’s powerful techniques of how to use OPM – Other People’s Money to rapidly grow your investment portfolio.

Rick continues to grow his portfolio which includes Buy To Let properties rented to single families but also contains larger Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) which are larger multi-let properties rented out by the room.

More recently, Rick has focussed efforts on acquiring sources of Joint Venture (JV) funding with like-minded investors in order to take on larger refurbishment and development projects across the South. In just over 6 months, Rick and his business partner have managed to secure just over £1.5 Million in investment funds.

If you would like to know more about how Rick achieved this and the projects he’s involved with then don’t hesitate to get in touch (info@penkent.com).

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